Useful information about Exam Days at MTC

Useful information about Exam Days at MTC

Useful Information About Exam Days.

Where will my exam be held?

Examinations with Macclesfield Tutorial College are hosted either at The College itself (20 Cumberland Street, SK10 1DD) or the nearby Macclesfield Masonic Hall (1 Riseley Street, SK10 1BW.)  In advance of the day of your exam(s), you will be notified if your exam will take place at the Masonic Hall, otherwise all exams will be at The College.  Both venues are close to Macclesfield’s mainline rail station and Macclesfield’s town centre.

If your exam is at The College there is a pay and display carpark (Jordangate) a five-minute walk away.

If your exam is at Macclesfield Masonic Hall, it is just a short walk from The College.  There is a drop off point which is available for our customers when sitting exams at The Masonic Hall.  There is a pay and display carpark (Whalley Hayes) a five-minute walk away.

What time should I arrive?

You should have received a Statement of Entry confirming dates of your examinations.

For morning exams please arrive at your exam location by 08.30.

For afternoon exams please arrive at your exam location by 12.30.


If you are delayed on your way to an examination, please call the College to advise on 01625 501440.  Exam Boards may not mark papers for late arrivals so please arrive promptly for all exams.


Photo ID must be shown for each examination.  This is an exam board requirement.  ID will be checked by MTC staff for each exam.

No waiting area.          

We do not provide a waiting area for students’ friends and family. Lessons continue at MTC throughout the term and due to data protection and the sensitivity of our work, we cannot accommodate students’ friends and family inside the College building nor the Masonic Hall.  Please arrange a meeting point for all exam drop offs and pick ups.

Signing in and out & emergency procedures.

For safety and fire regulations, please ensure that a member of MTC staff has both signed you in and out of the building.  If an alarm goes off during your exam – follow the invigilator’s instructions.  You must not remove your exam papers from the exam room.

What can I take into the exam room?

Students are not permitted to wear wristwatches in the exam room.  Clocks are provided in each room.

Phones must be switched off and handed to staff, along with all personal items for safekeeping – they must not go into the exam room.

A black pen and pencils can be taken into the exam room, along with a ruler and eraser and any necessary mathematics equipment – if you are using a pencil case it must be see-through.  For exams where calculators are allowed, all calculator cases must be removed.  If you need any additional stationery, please raise your hand and an Invigilator will assist you.

Water in a clear bottle with a lid (no labels) can be taken in to the exam room.  Food cannot be taken in to the exam room, except with prior permission.

Check your paper – student responsibility.

There are occasions where more than one exam subject will be taken in the same room.  Invigilators work carefully to ensure the correct paper is given to you.  It is the Student’s responsibility to then check the subject, tier and board of the paper they have been given. 

Make sure you write your name, Candidate Number and Centre Number on every exam paper you complete.  Ask an invigilator if you do not know this information.

Illness and bathroom requests.

If you feel unwell or need to use the bathroom during an exam, please raise your hand to ask an invigilator if you can leave the exam room.

Access Arrangements.

Make sure the appropriate information is given to you if you have an agreed Access Arrangement, such as needing extra time to complete your exam.

Finishing an exam.

Make sure you wait until the invigilator gives you permission to leave the exam room. Do not leave the exam with any exam materials. This is considered malpractice and could impact the security of exams and mean you may not receive a grade. Please remember not to share anything about the content of your exam on social media. Again, this is considered malpractice and you may be investigated.  When leaving your exam and the building, please do so quietly to respect ongoing examinations. 

Further reading.

JCQ (AQA, Edexcel, Eduqas & OCR) have a full list of instructions for exam day via the following link:

CIE offer further information via the following link:

Best of luck from all the team at Macclesfield Tutorial College.